Photo by Kate Romero from Pexels


Resilient leaders are developed through assessment of and training around emotional intelligence and an understanding of strengths and talents. Emotional intelligence, a dynamic array of behaviors, is assessed with a valid and reliable instrument.  Path Forward Goals™ are developed as a result of assessment of emotional intelligence and strengths.  Performance is enhanced with the benefit of these data, input of the supervisor around current performance (position, organizational operations and strategic goals) and individual training.

The Path Forward 1:1 Training Model

  1. Assessment  (Emotional Intelligence and Strengths)
  2. Interpretation with participant, including development of hypotheses around an EI Goal and a Strengths Goal.
  3. Interview and input from the supervisor for current review of progress for position duties, organizational responsibilities and strategic performance goals.
  4. Development of Path Forward Goals™: EI Goal, Strengths Goal, Path Forward Goal.
  5. In person or online coaching and training monthly meetings

About the Assessments:

The EQ-i 2.0 (Multi-Health Systems, Inc.) is administered around the individual’s emotional intelligence or EQ profile.  Results of the CliftonStrengths 34 (Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0, Gallup) are considered.   Both assessments are valid and reliable tools.

Results of assessment, with input from the supervisor and employee, are the basis for development of customized Path Forward Goals™ in collaboration with a Path Forward consultant.

Path Forward Goals™ include:

  1. Emotional Intelligence Goal resulting from the administering and interpreting of the EQ-i 2.0
  2. Strengths Goal resulting from the administering and interpreting of the CliftonStrengths 34.
  3. Path Forward Goal | An Integrated personal and professional goal around emotional intelligence, strengths, and activity to support the individual’s performance goals, the organization’s operational, and strategic performance goals.